Happy 9th Birthday Mateo!

Dear Mateo,

I can’t believe that you are 9 today!! Years go by faster and faster and moments are truly to be treasured. Every year I like to write you Birthday messages and hope that one day you will look back and enjoy reading them. I think every year I write this, but you have truly come so far in 9 years.

Mateo at 3 years old.


When you were three years old you had the schedule that most adults have. 40 hours a week of work, including one on one therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and preschool. While most kids just had a few hours of preschool and naps, you worked very, very hard. It was very frustrating for you at times, we demanded so much from you, but you really conquered it all and blew everyone away with your progress.

Hanging out in Midtown

Hanging out in Midtown

With each year you have grown into a more incredible young boy, and have shown me what’s really imporant in this world and for that I am so grateful. You have taught me the importance of taking the time to see the world from another person’s perspective. I have learned how every person has something to say, whether or not they have the words to say it, and that the real importance is taking the time to listen and to understand.

You amaze me every day. You have such strong determination and always know what you want. Whether it’s the glass of chocolate milk or the latest Resource Mod for Minecraft you know what you want and you figure out a way to get it. I know that this will get you so far in life, whatever path you choose to go down. And I want you to know whatever you decide that you will always have your dad, sister and me standing by you.

You brighten every day with your laugh and hilarious personality. I am amazed by the incredible things you create in Minecraft and how you share them with the world on YouTube. You are a very smart and funny kid that really impacts every person he meets.

Love that smile!

Love that smile!

We have a really fun summer planned, and I look forward to so many wonderful times we will share this year. I hope that you are as happy as you make me! Thanks for being my awesome buddy, I could not be more proud of you!


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